Laura Naves

Current name: Laura Hanscom
Age when this tile was made: 9
Where did you live when you made this tile?Summit Street, Somerville
Where else have you lived in Somerville?none.
Where do you live now?Weare, NH
Do you consider Somerville your hometown? Yes
What is your earliest Somerville memory?I was born and Somerville and lived there until I was in my late 20's. My earliest memories were probably of starting school at Powder House.
How would you describe Somerville in the 1980s?I loved living in Somerville. I loved hanging out with my friends until the street lights came on. I was 9 in 1980. I remember Somerville being comfy, welcoming, and safe.
How would you describe Somerville today?When I lived in Somerville, I lived in the Davis Sq/Tufts University area. Right before I moved 9 years ago, Davis Sq was beginning to be alittle to yuppy for me. It was becoming alot like Harvard Sq, which isnt a bad thing, just different from what I enjoyed.
How has Somerville changed?Somerville has changed alot since 1980. Like I said the Davis Sq area has really changed, but I have heard that the East Somerville area has really become dangerous.
I loved living in Somerville. I miss the really good pizza and chinese food you could get there. I miss walking up to Davis Sq on a Friday night with my husband and dog and getting an ice cream and just watching the people go by. I loved taking the train everywhere. When the red line came to Davis Sq, it really made going into Boston and Cambridge so easy. I miss being able to just hop on the bus or train to get where I need to go. Living in NH it takes me atleast a half hour just to get to a mall, nothing is right around the corner. If my family hadn't moved out of Somerville, I would probably still be there.
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