Rosanna Levato

Tile image

Current name: Rosanna Levato Figueiredo

Age when this tile was made: 10

Where did you live when you made this tile?

Lovell St

Where else have you lived in Somerville?

I grew up on Lovell Street and only lived on that street until I married.

Where do you live now?

I lived in Somerville until 1992. I got married moved to Malden in 1996 where I live now.

Do you consider Somerville your hometown? Yes

What is your earliest Somerville memory?

I loved walking to Davis square with my friends, going to Teele square to get ice cream or pizza at the local places. We walked everywhere.

How has Somerville changed?

Somerville certainly has changed. Much more trendy and geared toward the college /young professional crowd.
When I grew up in Somerville it was a homelike, family-friendly place.