Mary Campbell

Current name: Mary DeFranco
Age when this tile was made: 12
Where did you live when you made this tile?Simpson Ave- across from Hodgkins Park
Where do you live now?Quincy, Ma
Do you consider Somerville your hometown? Yes
What is your earliest Somerville memory?Attending the Hodgkins School for kindergarten before they tore it down. It is now Hodgkins Park. I use to live right across the street. I remember when the T station was built and my friend Eddy and I would ride the redline all day. We thought it was the greatest thing. I had to be home when the street lights went on. I use to meet my friends in Davis Square and we would sit in McDonalds on rainy days.
How would you describe Somerville in the 1980s?It was so different. Davis Square was almost empty. I think there was a Woolworths there.
How would you describe Somerville today?My family still lives in the house I grew up in. Somervile is so hip right now. Fulls of cool bars and little shops. The T brought so many new businesses to the square. There are so many college students walking the square. It's almost similar to Harvard Square.
How has Somerville changed?The T definately changed Somerville. Alot of the older homes have been converted into Condo's.
I think this project is awesome. Reading through all the tiles brought back memories of all the folks I went to school with. I am taking my children to the square this weekend to show them my tile. I knew it was there but just forgot about it until now.