Debbie Viveiros

Current name: Deb Harrington
Well, what can I say. I have no idea where I was going with this little guy. I'm sorry to say my artistic ability hasn't changed much since making this tile. I've been happily married for 16 years and am the mother of two great kids. I live North of Boston now, much different from growing up in a city like Somerville, but I missed it a lot when I moved! I haven't lived in there since 1991 and I moved because my husband bought a house in Wilmington and we didn't want to get married and start a family living in the city. I was 8 years old when I made this tile. When I lived in Somerville, it wasn't thought of as a place anyone wanted to move to. Why would anyone want to move to Somerville?? Lol, well that's how I thought when I was a teenager. Somerville is a "happening" place now and everyone is flocking there. I work with someone who sold her house in Lexington to move closer to Davis Square. I guess I didn't realize how much Somerville has changed since I left. Especially the area I grew up in. I recently drove down my old street, Clarendon Avenue in Teele Square and found that town houses were bulit right across the street from my old house and where there used to be a builder's supply, more town houses! My earliest memory of Somerville would be around the age I was when I made this tile. My triple decker house and back yard always seemed "huge" back then. Actually, our back yard was no bigger than a postage stamp and the street is so narrow, I don't think my SUV would fit down it today. I remember my cousins always getting hit by cars speeding down our street. It's a wonder that none of us got seriously injured.