John Spindler

Current name: John Spindler
Age when this tile was made: 10
Where did you live when you made this tile?Powderhouse Blvd
Where else have you lived in Somerville?First on Lowell St (was age 3-4ish), then Powderhouse Blvd (age 4 or 5 til 17 or 18), then Trull St (age 18 to 20ish)...
Where do you live now?Londonderry, NH...been in NH since 2000
Do you consider Somerville your hometown? Yes
What is your earliest Somerville memory?Many memories from Somerville! Earliest memories were starting at a new school (obviously Powderhouse Community), sledding on the Tufts hills, playing in Tufts park and riding bikes on Leonard and Walker St. There are many other memories, those are just the earliest...
How would you describe Somerville in the 1980s?Let's see...thinking back 20-30 yrs...hmmm? Well, it was the 80's.
How would you describe Somerville today?Somerville is more upscale and cleaner, not run down like it use to be. I love visiting when I have the opportunity.