Laura Hodnett

Current name: Laura H. Hodnett
Age when this tile was made: 7
Where did you live when you made this tile?18 Walker Street Somerville, MA 02144
Where else have you lived in Somerville?17 Minnesota Avenue Somerville, MA (East Somerville) 1999-2001
Where do you live now?Arlington, MA
Do you consider Somerville your hometown? Yes
What is your earliest Somerville memory?One of my earliest memories of Somerville was crossing Broadway at the top of Walker street (near the Tufts rotary) and going to the donut shop (which is now the East Asia restaurant (best Chinese/Thai food in Somerville :) ). My mother would sit me on the counter and all of the neighborhood folks would be sitting at the counter talking. I'm certain the woman working there wore one of the old waitressing uniforms with the apron and a beehive hairdo. My mom would drink her coffee and of course I would get a homemade plain donut topped with chocolate frosting and sprinkles.
How would you describe Somerville in the 1980s?Somerville in the 80's was a great place to live. There were more families fewer college students and 20-somethings. People knew each other in their neighborhoods. On summer nights families would sit outside on their porches. Kids would be playing kickball and tag in the streets. There were hardly any cars parked on the street, so this was possible.
How would you describe Somerville today?Somerville is still a great place to live. My parents and grandmother and great aunt still have a home there. It is a little less family oriented it seems as people are constantly moving in and out.
How has Somerville changed?Somerville is now a popular and sought after place to live. I think that the building of the T station in Davis square was a catalyst to the big changes that occurred there and why it became such a desired place to live. Also rent control was voted out of Cambridge sending more "outsiders" into Somerville.