David Wolf

Tile image

Current name: Dave Wolf

Age when this tile was made: 9

Where did you live when you made this tile?

Lovell St.

Where else have you lived in Somerville?

N/A I moved to Malden when I got married in '91

Where do you live now?

My wife and I built a home in York Maine in '98

Do you consider Somerville your hometown? Yes

What is your earliest Somerville memory?

I remember these tiles!!! When I saw the article this morning I yelled Holy s**t!! I remember standing in front of the Davis Square T station with Recca Sheikh (sp?) and (the wife of then vice president) Joan Mondale when the station was first opened to the public. I miss Somerville and I definitely consider it home. Great memories. Great people, too. I remember playing basketball with Mr. Ferraro in East Somerville. Good guy, good teacher and I always wanted to thank him.

How would you describe Somerville in the 1980s?

Totally different than it is now. I drive by there when I visit a friend of mine who lives in Cambridge. I'm still in shock U2 played at the theater in Davis Square. That place was a pit!!!

How would you describe Somerville today?

You mean Cambridge? It's not the Somerville I grew up in. That may be a good thing, though.

How has Somerville changed?

Everyone wants to be there now including U2.

There should be a Davis Square Tile reunion!