Kathy Cameron

Current name: Kathy Cameron-O'Donnell
Age when this tile was made: 10
Where did you live when you made this tile?lived on Packard Ave and attended the PowderHouse Community School, which I believe is a tufts building now (on Broadway)
Where else have you lived in Somerville?I lived on Packard Ave until I was 13 years old (from birth) then we moved to Bonair Street until 18, then onto Powderhouse Blvd until my mid twenties.
Where do you live now?I own a house in Saugus, MA
Do you consider Somerville your hometown? Yes
What is your earliest Somerville memory?My earliest memory of somerville is playing outside with my friends.
How would you describe Somerville in the 1980s?Somerville was a family city. Safe, you could go outside anywhere as a kid and be safe. I loved it growing up.
How would you describe Somerville today?I recently went to Davis Square and it's amazing. I would describe West Somerville as a college city and east somerville as diverse.
How has Somerville changed?Somerville has changed drastically since 1980 and I think the main factor was the red line being built. (I was around 13/14 when they were building it)
Growing up in Somerville was great. One thing I can say about somerville is that if you grew up in somerville, you have life long friends. Somerville people stick together for life. It is truly a great place to grow up.